Texworks For Mac Os

Contribute to TeXworks/texworks development by creating an account on GitHub. Bug fixes: Fix text selection handling when moving the mouse Fix auto-reloading of TeX documents that were changed outside TeXworks Misc: Update translations Libraries for pre-built binaries. In this tutorial we will go through the installation process of MacTeX and TexStudio which we will be using it for our upcoming tutorials. Hope to see you in. An easy-to-install open source TeX distribution for MacOSX. It is essentially gwTeX plus XeTeX, with a simple GUI installer and a few extra applications. Information, download and project page.

Para trabalhar com o LaTeX e padrões ABNT, devemos usar a classe abntex. Do contrário, teremos muito trabalho para manter nosso texto no padrão ABNT.

Para instalar o ambiente no Mac, para começarmos a escrever usando o LaTeX, temos que seguir alguns passos:

Efetuar Download do LaTeX:


Vá para http://www.tug.org/mactex/ e baixe o MacTeX completo (MacTeX.mpkg.zip – aprox. 1.8GB)


Extraia o arquivo e execute o .pkg, a instalação deve ser auto explicativa.

Efetuar Download do abntex:

Vá para http://codigolivre.org.br/frs/?group_id=46 e baixe a última versão estável do abntex (.zip)

Extraia o arquivo e mova o conteúdo para /usr/local/texlive/2010/texmf/. Cuidado ao substituir os arquivos, uma vez que o ‘Replace’ do Mac para diretórios vai remover tudo que for distinto entre dois diretórios.

Vá ao Terminal e execute “sudo texhash”, para que o LaTeX possa atualizar as classes.

Texworks for mac os high sierra

Efetuar o Downloaddo TeXworks (pode ser qualquer outro editor à sua escolha):

Vá para http://www.tug.org/texworks/ e baixe a versão para Mac

Extraia o .zip

Arraste o TeXworks.app para seu diretório de Aplicativos (opcional)

Execute TeXworks.app

Altere o dropdown que contém “pdfTeX” para “pdfLaTeX”


Execute esse arquivo de teste:

Pronto! 🙂

Texworks For Mac Os 10.13

To work with LaTeX and ABNT standards, we should use the abntex class. Otherwise we could get a lot of work to make our text validate with the standards.

So, to install the environment on Mac, so we can start writing using LaTeX, there’s a few steps:

Download LaTeX files:

Go to http://www.tug.org/mactex/ and get the Full MacTeX (MacTeX.mpkg.zip – aprox. 1.8GB)

Unzip the file and run the .pkg, the installations hould be self explanatory

Download abntex:

Go to http://codigolivre.org.br/frs/?group_id=46 and get the newest stable version of abntex (.zip)


Texworks For Mac Os Versions

Unzip the file and move the directories to /usr/local/texlive/2010/texmf/. Be carefull when replacing the files, as Mac ‘Replace’ for directories will remove everything that is distinct to both directories.

Go to the Terminal app and run “sudo texhash” so LaTeX can refresh the classes.

DownloadTeXworks (it can be any other editor you want):

Go to http://www.tug.org/texworks/ and get the Mac Version

Extract the .zip

Drag the TeXworks.app to your Application folder (optional)

Run TeXworks.app

Texworks For Mac Os 10.10

Change the dropdown that says “pdfTeX” to “pdfLaTeX”

Texworks For Mac Os High Sierra

Run this test file:

Texworks For Mac Os X

This should do it! 🙂